Miscellaneous Fabricated Components

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Cosmec is proud to offer our Customers the additional service of supplying them with various Miscellaneous Fabricated Components to complement their Bearing purchase. These fabricated components can be ancillary items needed for the bearings, or in some cases can be fabricated products that our Customers may need in addition to any bearings.

Cosmec is an AISC Certified Shop (Simple Bridge Certification) and adheres to and is certified for welding by all applicable AWS Welding Codes such as D1.5 and D1.1. In addition, our Machine Shop is equipped with large CNC and manual machines that are capable of producing many complex and varied components. Our AISC Certification and our AWS Welding Procedure Tests and our Welder Qualifications are available upon request. Please contact our Quality Control Manager or our Sales Representatives.

Our rubber shop is also available for molding complex and varied rubber components and rubber and steel components that can be used for many purposes other than as bearings.

 Miscellaneous Fabricated Components

The following are some examples of Miscellaneous Fabricated Components that we have supplied:

  1. Shim Packs
  2. Steel Bolsters and Steel Pedestals
  3. Debris Skirts
  4. Grout Pipes
  5. Tie Rods
  6. Bearing Lifting Attachments and Devices


Please contact our Sales Representatives about any Miscellaneous Fabricated Components you may require – drawings and sketches of what is required would be helpful.



Cosmec’s Engineering Staff is also available to assist in the design of many Fabricated Components. The Engineering Staff is able to design, recommend materials and create shop drawings for your review for many Fabricated Components. Please contact our Engineering Staff with all of your requirements and they can assist you with recommendations of possible components.



Cosmec is able to provide components in most types and grades of steel, many types of bronze (see our Bronze Bearing information) and in natural rubber and neoprene. Other materials (such as aluminum or stainless steel) are possible upon request.

Please contact our Engineering Staff with your material requirements.